Tarot Style
Are you a psychic,
intuitive, teacher, healer,
empath or intuitive?
0 The Fool Card Meaning
beginnings innocence positivity
The Fool invites you to take a chance or a risk, even if that risk is not clear. Start the situation with a beginners mind and total trust in the situation. Put past experiences behind you knowing you have everything you need to be successful and your new journey.
naivety recklessness inexperience
The fool reversed calls us to slow down and be cautious. Instead of trusting with innocence it is better to step back from the edge of the cliff and look before you leap. When you slow down, you give yourself time to assess all possibilities and protect yourself. The fool reversed is telling you to gather more information before you take a risk.
This image comes from my signature colouring book which contains my interpretations of all the symbolism of the Rider Waite Smith Tarot as well as A4 images to colour. If you would like to find out more about my colouring book CLICK HERE

In the above video I am going to help you connect with your Tarot deck through understanding the deeper meaning of the 0The Fool Card. I am not just talking about the meaning of 0The Fool Card – but also how you can read the card for different types of readings, and how the meaning of the card changes depending upon it’s location in a spread and the cards surrounding it. Of course understanding the standard meanings of the cards is important. BUT – if you want to intuitively read the cards and connect with your deck – then you need to create your understanding of the meanings based on your life experience and your spiritual energy.