About The Challenge


The Connect With Your Deck Challenge is a Tarot challenge with a new theme every month. We follow a new set of prompts
and use our favourite Tarot  deck to answer the questions. The Challenge will appear on both Instagram and Facebook.

My hope is that through daily journaling and reflecting on your cards it will help you form a connection with your deck.


Fill In Your Details Below To Be Part Of The Challenge

Important things to know about the challenge

~ You don’t have to register for the challenge every month.

~ The biggest challenge community is on Instagram and if you would like me to see your posts there make sure you use #connectwityyourdeckchallenge and tag me @eroebuckjones 

~ If you would like to have the extra support of a Tarot community you can join my Facebook group  click >> HERE << as the challenge also runs in there with dedicated posts for each day.

~ At the end of the month I give special participation prizes on Instagram and in my Facebook group – so make sure you Tag me so I don’t miss you!

New Challenge Workbook Calendar

This electronic PDF download journal will give you the tools you need to stay on track with the challenge. So many of you have told me you find it difficult to stay on track and keep up with daily Tarot practice. The worksheets in this journal are going to help you stay focussed and connected. you can use the Rider Waite Smith Tarot OR a deck of your choice for the challenge – it is up to you!

Guess what!! You don’t have to purchase the journal to be part of the challenge – BUT using my specially designed journal will make being part of the challenge much easier. Just $6.95 Australian Dollars ($4.70 US dollars approx)
You can check your currency >>HERE<< (Aussie dollar is low at the moment !!)

Our Year of Challenges